Monday, November 10, 2008

Contact Us

Thanks for visiting our blog!

When we aren't working or rocking our babies we love to be behind the camera. Sometimes it's hard to fit it all in but it's so much fun we can't help ourselves!

We have an indoor studio but we love to be outdoors in natural light whenever possible. Our sessions are laid back, way back!

We love kids and their many personalities! We have four kids between the two of us and when it comes to little ones we've seen it all! Thank you to all the Mommy's who continue to come back to see us. We are honored that you allow us to be a part of your child's life.

We have lots of new and fun things in store for you at Staci and Stephani Photographi. So come back and see what we're up to!

If you would like more information on portrait sessions call Stephani at 618-771-2219.

Photograph Courtesy of Jamie Faulkner Photography


  1. Love the new site and the new name. You both rock!
    Jackie Harper
    (proud Mimi to Jada Bell)

  2. It's awesome girls!!!
    Jen Hale

  3. Very cute site! I can't wait to see how Bridget's family pictures turn out on Sunday!! You both do an excellent job!

  4. Hello im planning on calling and making an appointment im waiting on a tutu that i ordered...I also was wondering what kind of backgrounds and props you have????Morgan and Kayla told me about you....please let me know my email is

  5. Hi, I found this blog when looking around on the net after my long lost penpal. I might be totally wrong, but Staci did you use to have a penpal in Sweden many many years back? If so, please contact me. :)

  6. I forgot to write my email

  7. Stephani did our engagement photos. We had so so much fun and the pictures turned out amazing!! Thanks again Stephani.
